Olive and Vine Content / Olive and Vine Content for 51³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ Davis en Olive & Vine: Caterer Has New Name, More 51³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ Davis Food on Menu /news/olive-and-vine-caterer-gets-new-name-more-support-campus-produced-food <p>It’s been one year since <a href="/news/campus-make-switch-university-managed-food-service/">51³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ Davis took over campus food service from vendor Sodexo</a>, and now the catering end of the enterprise has adopted a new name, <a href="https://diningorders.ucdavis.edu/51³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏDavis/Home">Olive &amp; Vine</a>, for better visibility, while also strengthening connections with campus and alumni farmers.</p> October 16, 2018 - 11:30am Cody Kitaura /news/olive-and-vine-caterer-gets-new-name-more-support-campus-produced-food